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Case Results

Recent Select Settlements

Certain confidential settlements cannot be listed due to no-publicity provisions. Past achievements cannot guarantee future results.

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Fannie Mae

Letter Review Underwriters

C. Andrew Head was lead counsel for the 24 Plaintiffs who participated in the Court-approved $500,000 settlement in Prowant v. Federal National Mortgage Association ("Fannie Mae"), No. 1:14-cv-03799-AT (N.D. Ga.), a certified collective action lawsuit alleging unpaid overtime filed on behalf of Atlanta office Letter Review Underwriters employed by Fannie Mae. The case settled after four years of litigation including several important prior rulings. On September 21, 2016, the Court ruled that Fannie Mae waived arbitration and breached its arbitration agreement by filing a federal court declaratory judgment action, and ordered that the case proceed in federal court on the overtime claims at issue. On May 31, 2017, the Court denied Fannie Mae's motion to compel opt-in plaintiffs to arbitration, and on October 16, 2017, the Court granted Plaintiffs' motion to conditionally certify the case to proceed as a collective action and ordered issuance of notice of rights to join to all putative opt-in plaintiffs who worked in similar positions.

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