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Case Results

Recent Select Settlements

Certain confidential settlements cannot be listed due to no-publicity provisions. Past achievements cannot guarantee future results.

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Earth Fare Grocery Stores

Overtime, Grocery Chain Department Managers - $1,200,000 settlement

C. Andrew Head was lead counsel for the settled class and collective action in Bartles, et al v. Earth Fare, Inc., No. 3:14-cv-00015-CDL (M.D. Ga.) on behalf of all grocery store Department Managers who worked at Earth Fare company-wide but were classified as overtime-exempt and paid a salary but no overtime pay. On November 19, 2015, U.S. District Judge Clay D. Land granted final approval of the $1.2 million claims-made settlement fund on behalf of the class.

Know your rights, so you’ll know you’re right.

Call one of our attorneys today (404)924-4151