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Case Results

Recent Select Settlements

Certain confidential settlements cannot be listed due to no-publicity provisions. Past achievements cannot guarantee future results.

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Micros Systems/Oracle

POS Implementation Specialists overtime - $925,000 Settlement

C. Andrew Head was lead counsel for the overtime lawsuit filed against Micros Systems Inc. (subsequently acquired by Oracle Corporation) on behalf of all Implementation Specialists across the country who Plaintiffs contend were misclassified as exempt and denied overtime pay. The lawsuit, captioned Wilson, et al v. Micros Systems Inc., No. 3:13-cv-01328 (M.D. Tenn.), was filed November 16, 2013 in the Middle District of Tennessee. On May 14, 2015, U.S. District Judge Todd Campbell approved the settlement in which Micros Systems will pay a total of $925,000 to settle the claims of the 90 participating plaintiffs who filed consents to join the lawsuit.

Know your rights, so you’ll know you’re right.

Call one of our attorneys today (404)924-4151